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Master of Criminal Justice

Master of Criminal Justice
University: The University of Western Australia
Department: Crime Research Centre Street: 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley
Zipcode: 6009 City: Perth
Federal State: Western Australia Country: Australia
Language of the program: English
An applicant may be admitted to the Master of Criminal Justice either directly or following successful completion of the Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice. Direct admission: A person may be admitted directly to the Master of Criminal Justice if that person has completed a bachelor’s degree in law or a relevant field of social science at the University of Western Australia, involving at least four years full time study, or the equivalent at another recognised institution; provided that the Selection Committee is satisfied that the person’s degree or qualifications and experience are suitable preparation for the Master’s course. Admission after completing the Graduate Diploma: A person may be admitted to the Master’s degree on completion of the Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice provided that person has achieved an average mark of 60% or more in the units going to make up that course. Before enrolling in further units for the Master of Criminal Justice a new Application Form for entry to the Master of Criminal Justice must be completed and approved by the Director of Studies. A formal offer of a place may then be made by the University and the units completed in the Graduate Diploma of Criminal Justice can then be credited toward the Masters of Criminal Justice upon completion of an Application for Advanced Standing:

Criminal Justice postgraduate coursework

Our Criminal Justice Master is designed to meet the needs of both graduates (particularly from a law or social science background) and criminal justice practitioners (including lawyers, police, prison and community corrections personnel, social workers and those involved in policy formulation). All the coursework units combine a critical examination of scholarly literature with a consideration of practical problems in areas such as policing, Aboriginal justice, women and crime, juvenile crime, crime prevention, domestic violence, sentencing and corrections administration. Specific coursework requirements are described in the rules for each.

Contact Person: Cheryl Marshall
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Phone: Australia+08+64887879
Date added: 2011-06-21 11:17:50    Hits: 1287
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