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You are here: Bachelor education Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen

Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen

Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen
Offering Institution: Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
University: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Department: Faculty of Law Street: Tiensestraat 41
Zipcode: 3000 City: Leuven Country: Belgium
Language of the program: Dutch
CP´s (Credit-Points): 180
Title: Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen

Apart from the general prerequisites for bachelor programs, students who want to start the bachelor program in criminology need to:

  • Be interested in  crossborder and  harmful behaviour and its approach
  • Have a critical-reflective attitude with a focus on cooperation
  • Be able to process a basic amount of knowledge
  • Have a basic knowledge of English and French
  • Be interested in the functioning of human beings in relation to others

Contact Person: Liesbet Smedts
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Date added: 2010-07-01 01:15:14    Hits: 1372
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