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You are here: Bachelor education LLB in Law and Criminology (undergraduate)

LLB in Law and Criminology (undergraduate)

Offering Institution: University of Sheffield, UK
University: University of Sheffield
Department: School of Law Street: Bartolome House, Winter Street
Zipcode: S3 7ND City: Sheffield Country: United Kingdom
Language of the program: English
Distance or blended learning: no
Title: Bachelor of Laws in Law and Criminology
please see website

This is a qualifying law degree (allowing students to train as a solicitor or barrister in England and Wales), which also enables students to specialise in criminological and criminal justice subjects throughout the three year full-time course.  The School of Law at the University of Sheffield is a leading law school which, for over 30 years, has also housed a renowned criminological research centre.

Please see the website for how to apply.


Contact Person: Dr Claire McGourlay or Jane Hill
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Date added: 2010-08-24 14:13:44    Hits: 1136
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