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You are here: Master education Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC)

Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC)

Offering Institution: The University of Kent (UK); Eötvös Lorand University (ELTE, Hungary); The University of Hamburg (Germany); Utrecht University (Netherlands)
University: University of Kent
Department: School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research Street: Cornwallis Building
Zipcode: CT2 7NF City: Canterbury, Kent Country: UK
Language of the program: English
Distance or blended learning: 36 months; full-time only
CP´s (Credit-Points): 180
Title: Doctor in Philosophy
Master’s degree

The Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC) is a three-year interdisciplinary, collaborative programme which combines the expertise and strengths of four universities with established reputations in the field. Funded by the European Union as an Eramus Mundus Joint Doctorate, the DCGC is recognised as delivering training of outstanding quality. Closing date for Erasmus Mundus Fellowships and for externally-funded applicants 8 January 2014.

For more information please visit our website

Contact Person: Professor Chris Hale
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Date added: 2013-03-03 18:50:56    Hits: 1515
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