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You are here: Master education Master of Criminology (MCRIM) Research

Master of Criminology (MCRIM) Research

University: University of Sydney
Department: Sydney Law School Street: Eastern Avenue
Zipcode: 2000 City: Sydney
Federal State: NSW Country: Australia
Language of the program: English
Distance or blended learning: No
Title: MCRIM
Entry requires an Honours degree at either First or Second-Class division.
MCRIM Research: 50 000 word thesis plus one unit of coursework study.
Contact Person: Graeme Coss
Email: Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
Phone: +61 2 9351 0227
Date added: 2011-05-25 04:43:37    Hits: 1258
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