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You are here: Master education MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice

MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Offering Institution: Centre for Criminology
University: University of Oxford
Department: Faculty of Law Street: Manor Road Building, Manor Road
Zipcode: OX1 3UQ City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire Country: United Kingdom
Language of the program: English
Distance or blended learning: N/A
Title: MSc
High upper second class degree in relevant social science topic
This is a one-year postgraduate course accepting excellent students from a law, criminology, sociology, politics, anthropology or other relevant background.
Contact Person: Ms Iris Geens
Email: Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
Phone: +44 1865 274444
Date added: 2010-11-01 13:53:48    Hits: 1348
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