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You are here: Master education Master's degree in Criminology, Law and Society

Master's degree in Criminology, Law and Society

University: George Mason University
Department: Criminology, Law and Society Street: 4400 University Drive
Zipcode: 22030 City: Fairfax
Federal State: Virginia Country: USA
Language of the program: English
Distance or blended learning: No

The Department of Criminology, Law and Society is a dynamic, interdisciplinary unit. The faculty includes some of the nation’s top researchers in criminology. Graduate and undergraduate students have the opportunity to work closely with these outstanding faculty in courses and on research projects. As they graduate, they go on to work in the area’s top federal agencies, law schools, and doctoral programs.

Students at the graduate and undergraduate level develop strong foundations in research, methods, theories and systems of justice, criminology and crime policy, law and society, and justice. They graduate with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the causes and consequences of crime and injustice, the responses by criminal and civil justice institutions, and what works to improve social conditions among affected individuals, communities, organizations, and countries.

Contact Person: David Wilson
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Date added: 2011-06-17 18:29:56    Hits: 1143
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