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You are here: Bachelor education BA Hons Criminal Justice

BA Hons Criminal Justice

University: Liverpool John Moores University
Department: Faculty of Business and Law Street: 98 Mount Pleasant
Zipcode: L3 5UZ City: Liverpool Country: United Kingdom
Language of the program: English

The Criminal Justice degree brings together criminal Justice and Criminologoical Theory,research and policy to provide you with the skills that employers value and to prepare you for work in the criminal justice system or in related areas. It is a taught programme with the ultimate aim of enabling graduates to enter criminal justice practice and be successful in their chosen field of employment.

The course attempts to discuss the reality of the criminal justice system whilst also encouraging students to develop the ability to critically analyse crime and responses to it.This degree prvodes a thorough insight into the criminal justice system and enables students to study the core subjects crucial to a full understanding of criminal justice.It also offers a variety of optional modules enabling you to focus on areas of personal interest to you.

The Criminal Justice programme is a dynamic course,which places an emphasis on the criminal Justice process and Institutions,drawing on relevant theory,policy and practice.We discuss in-depth criminological issues and apply these to 'real life' situations, so that studdents can apply critical thinking to practical situations and environments.It is intended as a vocationally/professionally orientated degree to prepare students for work in the criminal justice system and allied areas.This multi-dispilinary includes criminal justice, law social policy and related professional practice.In the final year students will have the opportunity to complete a dissertation or to take a work-based module.The transferable skills taught throughout the programme aim to enhance students' employability.

The course is presentated via a mix of lectures and tutorials.Tutorials offer the opportunity to discuss topics set by the teaching team, exploring the subject in more depth and providing the platform to ask questions.For some seminars students have to prepare papers on specific topics and lead discussions. Directed independent study and reading also play a key role.

Staff have a variety of experience in treaching, research and in professional practice.They also have close links and knowledge of the local agencies in merseyside and the North West of England through research and consultancy, as well as having an international reputation for their research.

Applicants must apply through UCAS

Contact Person: BLWAdmissions
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Date added: 2010-11-04 13:35:51    Hits: 1381
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