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You are here: Master education Master of Law (MLaw) in Criminal Justice subjet area Criminology

Master of Law (MLaw) in Criminal Justice subjet area Criminology

Offering Institution: Ecole des Sciences criminelles
University: Université de Lausanne
Department: Institut de criminologie et droit pénal (ICDP) Street: Bâtiment Batochime
Zipcode: 1015 City: Lausanne
County: Vaud Country: Switzerland
Language of the program: French
CP´s (Credit-Points): 120
Bachelor ès Sciences (B Sc) in forensic sciences, economic sciences or psychology, Bachelor in Law (B Law), Bachelor of Arts (B A) în social sciences, or Bachelor of Medicine (B Med)
Contact Person: Mme Dominique Viotti (secretary)
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: 0041 21 692 46 41
Date added: 2011-02-28 15:16:31    Hits: 1225
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